
Perpetual Victories during the Heartpumping GMA-ISA event

(Original Article by Resty Gumarao)

The University of Perpetual Help System-GMA surged up as the GMA-ISA 2019 men’s volleyball 3rd place, with the basketball team placing at a jaw dropping 2nd, the Champion award being awarded to Victorious Christian Montessori. UPHS-GMA ended up with a 25-21, 25-23 in a crucial victory to secure the 3rd place in the 2019 GMAISA Men’s Volleyball on Wednesday, August 22, at the UPHS-GMA Gymnasium.

The UPHS-GMA wrapped it up in 2 gruelling sets to clinch their 3rd crown while spoiling the GMA-ISA exit. John Lorenz Rotaeche led the Perpetual with 20 points followed by Ronn Justine Omela with 18 points Shane Ramirez made 15 excellent sets. After Perpetual cut the lead to one in the first set, 13-14, My Messiah pulled away again with a 5-point lead in a run that back-to-back blocks, 21-16. Errors later doomed the My Messiah in the first set.

My Messiah in the last stretch as he scored 3 points that helped extend the set. Made a crucial service error that gave Perpetual its 4th set point and block on Patrick Mallari made it a 2-0 lead.

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