
Dengue Outbreak in Cavite

(Original article by Janie Marie Peleno - Photo by Eghe Ann Corpuz)

Dengue cases appear each year. As reported recently, most of the victims are from the area of Cavite and based from the report, there are 27 dead people in Cavite due to dengue cases. Local Governments and other officials should reach out to the victims who are affected by this and provide their support to the dengue victims. It was good to know that people that are living in Cavite are making a way to keep dengue virus from spreading knowing the fact that the number of dengue virus victims are increasing. This type of case should be taken seriously.

There are certain methods that are commonly used for preventing dengue mosquitoes from spreading though it is not solved right away but these methods could help. Fogging is one of the methods that is commonly used to kill adult mosquitoes, though fogging machine may contain some chemicals but it is not that harmful to humans. Planting citronella grass plants could help too. Due to the strong aroma of the citronella grass plant brings, it helps to repel mosquitoes away from that area. Mosquito Coil could repel the mosquitoes too as it suffocates the mosquitoes by its smoke. According to Beth Sissons, these are also counted for preventing dengue mosquitoes; Lemongrass, peppermint, Lemon eucalyptus oil, clove, basil, eucalyptus, neem leaves, and thyme for short duration.

Another way for preventing dengue mosquitoes from spreading is getting rid of stagnant water as soon as possible because there are circumstances that this is where dengue mosquitoes all began.

As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), this serves as their breeding ground for the mosquitoes that passes and transmits diseases, even a small collection of water gives the mosquitoes an opportunity to spread and to increase.

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