
The Future is Now: Innovation through Robotic Automation

(Original Article by Sophia Morena Tauxe - Photo by Kenneth Louise Inhaynes

According to the American Computer scientist Alan Kay, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it” and there is perhaps nothing pushing the boundaries of future technology then the area of Robotics. Students of the SHS department are not daunted by this typically complex field of science and took on the challenge of the first-ever Make X Robotics Competition held in the Philippines, of which the winner of will get the opportunity to compete on a grander scale in China.

With their robot monikered ‘Silencer’, the STEM students along with members of the Science and Math club competed in Vista Mall, Santa Rosa in a remarkable competition of pure technological genius. With one robot per team, the UPHS-GMA campus fought against the UPHS-Biñan campus, the robots using specially built propellers to pick up tennis balls off of the ground and project it to the opposing teams court, knocking down pins placed before the round started.

After a long and grueling battle, UPHS-Biñan emerged victorious with their robots Atralis and Solaris, led by team captains and grade 12 captains Jonathan and Joshua. The UPHS-GMA representatives Nathaniel Velarde, Jewel Andaya, Pyanka Miraña, and Alysa Albina bagged 2nd place. The Perpetual Today team extends its congratulations!

Special thanks to Arktis Cortel from Fiat Publication (UPHS-Biñan Campus) for his help!

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